Quadruple Goddess-What you've been missing..
Who are the Quadruple Goddesses Archetypes? How can it change your relationship to your moon time? Some of us are familiar with the...

Luna Living: Reclaim Your Cycle
What is Cyclical Living or Luna Living as I like to call it? Luna Living is a way of aligning your body, intentions, routines, rituals,...

Happy Samhain!! (Witches' New Year)
On Sunday we had a New Moon in Scorpio and some of you joined me in circle to support each other on your journey in this moon cycle....

Super Blood Moon & Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo
Hope you got to take in the Super Blood Moon & Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo. This is a time of completion, release, and rebirth. It is...

Connect to the Winter Solstice
First congratulations! You've made it through the cold short days of Winter so far and that my friends is not a small feat. Now we are...

What Aluna Really Means
Almost three years ago I came up with Amanda Luna Living as a name for my Yoga & Wellness business. I was and still am inspired by the...

Stop & Smell the Roses
I hope all is well and you are enjoying the sunshine as I am. Summertime is here and we tend to want to fit as much in as possible. I...

Dark & Light
Okay so full disclosure I had an abusive relationship with myself when I was younger. I was in the routine of repeating my every flaw to...

New Moon Vibes in Capricorn
New Moon time can be a one of new beginnings, a time to reflect on what your goals are and what actions need to happen for you to fulfill...

Find your way
Many of us have set goals that we hope to achieve this year. I have never been much for resolutions but this year I felt like I wanted to...